20 Cultural Koi Fish Tattoos You Can’t Resist

20 Cultural Koi Fish Tattoos You Can'T Resist - 103

The black Koi represents of endurance and strength. One who has conquered hardship during the course of their life, be it the effects of depression or a difficult relationship is drawn to it. The wearer will likely select a location that is well-known to remind themselves of the significance of it.

Koi Fish Back Tattoo

Koi Fish Back Tattoo

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Sometimes it is more important to have a bigger tattoo! This is why a lot of men choose to have tattoos on their backs. It is possible to show off your beauty at any time you like however, you could put on your shirt and keep it private. Given its size and duration required to finish your task there is a chance that you will feel discomfort in the area. Also, it is important to remember that pain can increase as you move closer to the bone.

Koi Fish Leg Tattoo

Koi Fish Leg Tattoo

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If you’re looking to stand out with your leg tattoos, they are an excellent choice since it could be huge and vibrant. The skin area is large enough to allow for large details therefore you are able to be imaginative about where it’s placed and the way it appears. The fact that the area is rated as moderate on the scale of tattoo pain is one of its most appealing features. The closer you tattoo the foot or knee the more discomfort you will experience.