20 Cultural Koi Fish Tattoos You Can’t Resist

Dragon and Koi Fish Tattoo

Dragon And Koi Fish Tattoo

20 Cultural Koi Fish Tattoos You Can'T Resist - 112

A legend from the past called “the “koi dragon” describes the way a fish could transform into a mythical beast. It is believed the mythological carp praised by the Gods for its strength by changing into dragons. The mythical creature is often considered to be a symbol of masculinity, strength the ability to learn and power. Combining these two attributes can be interpreted as a sign of transformation.

Watercolor Koi Fish Tattoo

Watercolour Koi Fish Tattoo

20 Cultural Koi Fish Tattoos You Can'T Resist - 115

Making your tattoo look attractive in the skin of your body is simple by using watercolor tattoos. It is crucial to keep in mind that this type of tattoo tends to fade faster than traditional designs. Therefore, if you want the tattoo to last for as long as it is possible you should select an area on your body that’s not subjected to constant sunlight. Koi fish are extremely symbolic and important to both Chinese as well as Japanese traditions. They symbolize qualities like strength, tenacity as well as luck and determination. The designs are available in a variety of designs and the range of colors communicates different messages.