20 Short Edgy Hairstyles | Short Haircuts


In the world where fashion changes every day, it is important to stay modern and trendy. Gone are the days when you’re exposed to your close circle. Today, with the advent of the internet, your style is being exposed to the world. This is reason enough to make yourself more fashionable. You don’t want to appear unfashionable in front of your friends, would you? It’s however not difficult to adopt fashion. Just a look at the top models and at your friends is enough to see what’s trending and what isn’t.

But when you step in the fashion world at present, it is important to stay modern. Even when it comes to your hairstyle, it is important to be modern. And nothing can make a modern and trendy hairstyle as an edgy hairstyle would. Edgy, funky cuts combined with bright colors are the trend of the of the century. Although it doesn’t suit a few professional environments, it takes your modernity to the next level. Some of the edgy cuts include pompadours, spiked cuts, shaved hair, and much more. But no matter what, edgy cuts look stylish. Let’s take a look at some of the popular edgy cuts.

Edgy pixie is one hairstyle that will strike anybody’s mind whenever they want a short haircut that looks neat and stylish. In the edgy pixie, the hair is cut short at the back and the length of the hair increases towards the front. The lengthy hair towards the front can be coiffed or spiked. When coiffed, the hairstyle looks extremely stylish and neat and gives a professional look. When you turn it into spikes, it gives you a brave appearance. It suits for all kinds of leisure activities and will exhibit your attitude as well. The look can give you a very stylish and wonderful appearance. The color of the hairstyle matters as well. Dark colors for white-skinned women is one the best options and will take your glam to the next level.

Emo bob is another hairstyle that’s rocking the modern world. We come across many women having an emo bob hairstyle and making a fashion statement. It’s a stylish and a neat hairstyle. The hairstyle is a combination of the emo cut and the bob cut. The emo cut was popularized by emotional hardcore rock musicians and has become a trend especially among the teenagers. The emo cut generally has thick bangs that run across one’s forehead. Bob is a haircut that’s timeless and looks neat on the wearer. The bob is cut below the length of the ear and makes for a very neat and stylish hairstyle. In an emo bob haircut, the hair is cut in the emo style with thick bangs but the length of the side and back of the hair is cut like a bob. It allows little maintenance of the hair and also looks modern and edgy.

There are many other types of hairstyles that you can try when you want to achieve the desired edgy look. Below are some of the other edgy styles: