25 New Long Pixie Haircuts For Women


Contrasting with close-cuts The long pixie cut is characterized by an extra length that can be found all around the entire perimeter or only in certain areas, generally in front and at the top. While retaining the dramatic look of a cut that is short the long pixie cuts add more femininityand create a more flattering and softening frames around your face. We are here look into the long pixie style through examples of the most trending Insta occasions.

Choose a Style for Your Hair Type

When done properly Long pixie cuts can give every hair texture a glimmer by highlighting their natural beauty, while correcting any issues that you might have. Hair that is thick needs to be free of extra weight and textured in a vibrant way, and thin hair needs to be given depth and texture without losing any volume. Natural hair lovers can wear the look. “Wearing the cut of a cropped style with natural texture is always a great way to show the beauty of a woman,” says celebrity hairstylist salon owner and founder of the brand Ted Gibson to Cosmopolitan. No matter if your hair is wavy or straight there’s a style for your long hair within our photo gallery.

25 New Long Pixie Haircuts For Women

The side-parting of this pixie gives the roots, which makes the thick locks even larger, and they remain bouncy.

25 New Long Pixie Haircuts For Women

The fine locks have increased density at the front because of the long fringe which is also layered to give better volume and texture.

25 New Long Pixie Haircuts For Women

Hair that is thin won’t appear flat thanks to this elegant movement-enhancing hairstyle, and its wavy finish gives off a slouch and a contemporary look.

25 New Long Pixie Haircuts For Women

A long cut provides ample space for curls to spring and also allows you to tuck hair that is not so neat behind your ear when you need to.

25 New Long Pixie Haircuts For Women

This adorable streaked crop displays the stunning contrast of long straight tresses at the top and sharply cut temples.

Select the Best Cut for Your Face Type

While shorter crop lengths are ideal for highlighting face features, the long Pixie haircut adds length to your arsenal of tools to balance the bone’s structure. It gives you more opportunities to experiment with the shapes and textures such as parting and styling, hairstyles and colors to create the most appealing appearance based on your facial shape. Are you an oval face? “Avoid sharp angular cuts or tight curls as well as the thick fringe that make a shorter appearance for facial features,” stylists of the celebrity world Kristan Serafino Byrdie and suggests shorter cuts with a full-faced top. She also believes that crop tops that have wider and more full tops are ideal for diamond-shaped faces. Stay tuned for our suggestions on different face types.

25 New Long Pixie Haircuts For Women