Top 5 Best Apps For Kids & Toddlers To Learn English

In these present days there a lot of ways by which kids can learn English. You either take your kids to learning centers or getting a home tutor for them. Either way, it will still help. However, there are more easy and efficient ways which won’t cost you that much. Which is the use of apps for kids to learn English. I will be listing the top 5 apps for kids to learn English.

As you know, the emergence of smartphones has helped shape our world. Things that were once difficult can now be done using these smartphones. Which includes helping your kids learn English. These apps were developed by several English tutors in elementary schools. So you know your kids will be learning the right stuff. Some of the apps were designed in a game format, which means children can learn while having fun. Isn’t that exciting.

There are a lot of benefits that come with the use of mobile apps in helping your children learn English. Don’t get me wrong, every method you employ to help your kids learn English has its benefits. However, these apps for kids to learn English has amazing benefits you won’t want to miss. Like a variety of contents. These apps come with amazing pictures that will help kids quickly learn.

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Why? Because children learn quickly with pictures accompanied to what they are learning. Some exciting melodies and videos come with these apps. This helps motivate kids to want to learn more. Doing this, help improve their speaking skills. Another benefit that comes with using these apps is the fun kids have while learning. Some of these apps for kids to learn English come with games. As they overco0me these huddles from these games, they are also improving in their English skills.

There is only flexibility in learning time. Unlike the tutorial class that has a rigid time frame, these apps allow your kids to learn at any time of the day. And when it is convenient for them to learn. There are more benefits but let’s stop here and not spill everything. Haven heard what these apps can do, lets do a quick check of the top 5 apps for kids to learn English I found in the app stores.

Top 5 Apps For Kids To Learn English For Both Android And iOS In 2023

1. Lingokids

Lingokids offers three steps in helping kids learn English. Which includes immersion. In this stage, children are introduced to English, and all they need to know basically. They are introduced to new words and how to pronounce these words. The app uses animals, objects, and many more simple words to get them to learn in no time.

The next step is the association stage, where kids get familiar with English. And the last stage helps them grow a natural reaction to English. Lingokids also comes with a lot of exciting features like games which help improve the way they learn. The gaming feature of this app help to improve the listening, writing, reading, and speaking skills of kids.