25 Best Long Pixie Hair Ideas For Women 2023

25 Best Long Pixie Hair Ideas For Women 2022

Contrasting with close-cuts that are narrower, longer pixie cuts suggests the addition of length around or in specific sections, typically in front and the top. While retaining the dramatic look of a cut that is short and bringing in more feminine look, creating an attractive and soft frames around your face. We are here look into the long pixie style through examples of the most popular Insta occasions.

Choose a Style for Your Hair Type

When done properly Long pixie cuts can let every hair texture shine by revealing their natural beauty while also addressing any concerns that you might have. The thick hair must be released from excess weight and textured in a vibrant way, and thin hair needs to be enhanced with the dimension and texture, without losing any volume. Natural hair lovers can wear the look. “Wearing an angled cut with natural texture is always a great way to show the beauty of a woman,” says celebrity hairstylist salon owner and brand’s founder Ted Gibson to Cosmopolitan. If your hair is curly or straight we have a suggestion for your long hair on our collection.

Pixie With A Side Parting For Long Hair

The side-parting of this pixie gives an increase in the root which makes the thick tresses bigger, and keeps their bounce.

Short Cut With A Long Fringe For Fine Hair

The fine locks have increased density at the front because of the long fringe, which is also layered to provide greater volume and texture.

Long Wispy Pixie For Long Hair

Hair that is thin won’t appear flat when you use this trendy movement-enhancing hairstyle, and its wavy finish gives off a slouch and a contemporary feel.

Pixie Cut For Curly Hair

This long-cut pixie provides plenty of room for curls to spring and lets you put hair that is not in a good way behind your ears when needed.

Cute Edgy Undercut Pixie For Straight Hair

This adorable streaked crop displays an amazing contrast between long straight tresses at the top and the edgy, close-cut temples.

Select the Best Cut for Your Face Type

Although shorter cuts are excellent to highlight features of the face, the longer hairstyle adds length to your arsenal of options for balancing bones. It gives you more opportunities to experiment with the shapes and textures such as parting and styling, hairstyles and colors to create the most attractive appearance based on your facial shape. Are you an oval face? “Avoid sharp angular cuts as well as tight curls and the thick fringe that make a shorter appearance for facial features,” according to celebrity stylist Kristan Serafino Byrdie and suggests shorter cuts with a full-faced top. Also, she believes that a crop with wider and fuller tops are ideal for diamond-shaped faces. Follow us for more tips for other types of faces.

Pixie With Angled Layers For Round Faces