The 5 Best Apps if You Travel by Car To Make Your Journey Memorable

Google Maps

Google Maps is perhaps the most famous maps app in the world. This is one of those travel apps that really works for you! Google Maps shows very detailed maps. Also handy: you can download specific maps in advance, so you can use the app offline too! Thanks to this travel app you know exactly where you are! So nice…

InTraffic Reply App

Nowadays you can simply put your phone on airplane mode. This way you won’t get push notifications, phone calls or messages while driving. That is very safe because you do not get distracted and you stay focused on the road! To make it more fun, you can download the InTraffic Reply app with an Android phone. InTraffic Reply app is a handy travel app that responds to incoming calls and messages on your behalf. You can easily set how the app should respond in advance. This way your colleagues, family, and friends know that you are on the road!