Pixie Haircuts

The trick to pull off a stunning Pixie cut can be as easy as determining the perfect look that suits your facial shape. Pick styles that are long and short, symmetrical or shaved, as well as with bangs, to create your ideal cut. Make use of length to balance round and long oval facial shapes, long bangs that sweep to soften sharp features and short cuts to expose soft faces.

Long Pixie Cut

The long and pixie style is an ideal stopping point between the bob and the short pixie. It is not long enough to make a dramatic impression however long enough to keep its feminine look. The additional length of a pixie cut that is usually positioned in the front, assists create a frame and softens the look.

Long Pixie Cut

Short Pixie Cut

Making your hair shorter pixie styles is a risky choice particularly in the case of long locks. This style can dramatically alter your appearance and will take a long time to grow. If you decide cutting your hair short, it might be the most stunning hairstyle you’ve ever experienced. Just like hitting a massive refreshing button. The look will brighten and lift your mood and face.